Mission Statement Expounded
“Rural India Ministries exists to glorify God by equipping native missionaries in rural villages to preach the gospel to the unreached.”
Romans 11:36 "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the Glory forever! Amen."
Everything we are and that we have is a gift from God (James 1:17). So our lives should be lived to give glory to the only one who is deserving of it. At RIM we strive to bring glory to God by being faithful and obedient with what he has entrusted us with.
We believe that by equipping native missionaries with a sound biblical education through our two year degree program, they will be able to reach the otherwise unreachable populations. Each selected pastor upon graduation is financially subsidized until they can become self sustaining. This is determined on an individual basis. The pastors then receive continued education and training throughout their ministry.
Our focus at RIM is the small often unknown villages in India. We strive to bring the gospel to these un-reached people. God promises in Rev 7:9 that "there will be a multitude....from every nation and tribe and people and tongue standing before the throne and before the Lamb." We rest on this promise and bring the good news to these lost people so one day we can worship God in Heaven with them.
Matthew 28:19 calls us to make disciples, and that is to instruct and teach people about the word of God. This is our main focus, it is to instruct people on the word of God of the salvation that only comes through the blood bought sacrifice of Jesus. This teaching is lifelong and we strive for those people to then share what they've learned with others also. So that the gospel will reach the ends of the earth.
Currently RIM has 22 missionaries in India who are preaching and teaching the Gospel to many remote villages.
We have one native Indian who serves as our local director, and he oversees each missionary and continues to train and lead them.
There are 7 board members serving in the US who also support, train, and work on behalf of those in India.
You can be assured that we want your donations to make the biggest impact they can in India!
That is why over 90% of all donations to our general fund go directly to India. Also your designated giving to Travel and Mercy Home will receive 100% of your donation.
Our US board members either serve on a volunteer basis or are self funded to help keep your donations going to India.
Have more questions? Please let us know!
It has been the prayer and desire of RIM to open a Mercy Home in India since our founding. We are constantly seeking the right property to make this a reality. Our goal is to raise $120,000 to be able to establish this building.
The Mercy Home will:
House and teach orphaned children from those who have been martyred or persecuted for their faith.
Offer a place to continue teaching our 2 year Bible Certificate.
Allow trade programs to be taught so we can reach the local population with the gospel, while equipping them with a future.